Nordic Women Mediators

Nordic Women Mediators (NWM) is a network of women from the five Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, with professional expertise relevant to conflict mediation, peacebuilding and negotiations.

They share a commitment to sustaining peace through the inclusive and meaningful participation of women in all phases of peace processes. NWM is an instrument for the involvement of Nordic women in advocacy and operational engagement in support for peace. The membership of the network comprises Nordic women with diverse professional experiences, ranging from foreign affairs and international law to multilateral or regional organisations such as the UN, the EU and the OSCE as well as civil society.

NWM network members have expertise on a variety of issues relevant to all phases of peace processes, including mediation, ceasefire arrangements, constitutional reform, civil-military relations, international humanitarian law, human rights, communications and inclusive strategies. Promoting women in negotiations, mediation and all phases of peace-making is at the heart of the work of the NWM.
